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Plants under the street, Casole D'Elsa, Italy, July 2018


Two poems from Captive are posted on the Poets for Science anthology site. "See Through" and "Drawing Out A Drawska Vampire". 



My substack newsletter is occasionally free to all subscribers, and that's true for June; for What Where: Literary Journals, I look at The Paris Review. Either free or for $7/month, to read any post, you must subscribe. 

Gargoyle Online #8 is out with two new poems. 

Winter-Spring 2024


I'm interviewed by Samantha Zimmerman about Captive's themes, sub-themes, and reading aloud, at Pine Hills Review


You can see me read four poems from Captive for the series

W-E: Bi-coastal Poets of the Pandemic after Lynn McGee gives her wonderful introduction. The whole reading is great, with correspondences among our poems, but my part begins with Lynn at minute mark 33:05.

I'm giving readings through Zoom on Jan 14, at Otto's Shrunken Head downtown Manhattan, Feb 16, and BookCulture, upper Manhattan, March 21st Check out the Calendar.

Fall 2023

I'm delighted to see that "The Heart is Quiet," a poem in Captive, is the poem for November 23rd, Thanksgiving, at Verse Daily.

The publishing date for Captive is October 9th.

Check out Amy's upcoming readings in from December through April   

ICopyright Amy Holman 2015

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